Thursday 21 February 2013

21st February 2013

Today we became the proud parents to our gorgeous daughter Phoebe Frances. Pretty shit hot day...

Monday 9 April 2012

The Thing

What else is there to do on Easter Sunday but watch The Thing. If it were a sandwich I would have a two word review, but it isn't, so I haven't. Alex enjoyed, a fanboy movie he claims. I have never been a fanboy, that's why  have a collection of Lobo comics...

Alex feigns terror
Note: Grainy image due to poor camera operation on my part

Thursday 5 April 2012

And the culprit was...

So, who can guess which DIY implement was responsible for my trip to A & E?

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Draw something

My current addiction, it is amazing how the minds of some people work...

Saturday 17 March 2012

"Here's your Subzero, now plain zero"

I am rather tired today. Last night, despite the fact that I have seen it many times before, I stayed up to watch The Running Man. I can't decide whether this film is good or whether it is simply a hang on from my youth. Last night was the first time I can recall cringing at Arnie's one liners as he systematically ends the lives of the stalkers, Subzero, Buzzsaw and Fireball - I like that Dymano is able to continue with his operatics even after the buggy roll... 

So this has got me thinking, films that I claim to love but if I were to watch them now would I actually enjoy them? I am going to put it to the test, beginning with Robocop.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Every Cloud...

They say that that difficult times make us stronger, everything happens for a reason and experiences, both good and bad, shape who we are. I don't really want to go into details about what has happened this week, but rest assured it hasn't been great and I don't want to go through it again. However, the silver lining became apparent today when we went to find slippers.

Our first stop was M&S. They had the obligatory Mothers Day special display with a selection of indoor wear ranging from the Per Una seductive range (questionable) to the dear old Great Grannie comfies; I tried on both, obviously. The problem here was that the size 7 to 8 simply didn't accommodate my less than dainty feet; if I was one of those people who was happy to have their heels hanging off the back of their footwear I would have been fine, but I just don't think that it is a good look, not even in the house. In addition, the price of all ranges in my opinion was rather high, I believe that the cheapest offering was £10, and they were not very attractive. You may be thinking 'are slippers supposed to be attractive?', I would answer that if you are spending £10, the slipper should not make you gip. We left.

Next stop was Tesco, a place that, to me, does not often equate with quality footwear.I asked Alex whether he thought that David St. Hubbins would have shopped at Tesco, he said probably not, but we carried on regardless.

The word 'sale' often means that a store brings out all the old stock from several years ago and passes it off as a bargain to the customer; I generally avoid such displays of consumerism at all costs, apart from when shiny gadgets are involved. However, today Tesco delivered the goods. An amazing selection of quality slippers for the discerning shopper, so good that a decision was reached in seconds and both myself and Alex walked out after self serving with a glow of satisfaction. I know that you probably find this hard to believe, but I can assure you that we have never been happier with a purchase. TWO pairs of slippers for seven pounds, yes, that was two pairs for seven pounds. I am sure that you will agree, we have definitely stumbled across a mighty bargain...

£5, what more can I say?

Can you believe these were a mere £2???